Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Catching up

 I can't believe it.   It's almost that time of year.  No, I'm not talking about Thanksgiving or Christmas.  I'm talking about the Quiltville Reader Appreciation Mystery Quilt.  Every year I look forward to it and I love the anticipation that builds up on the Quiltville Open Studio Facebook page as we get closer.  Bonnie has already posted the recommended color way and the first clue comes out on Black Friday and since I hate crowds and shopping and the frenzy that comes with Black Friday a day of mystery quilting sounds like absolute heaven.  This year is the first time I'll start the new mystery with the previous year's mystery completely done!  Grand illusion is quilted, labeled and bound. 

Sew exciting!

But it's been awhile since I last posted so here's the Reader Digest Condensed Version of the on-goings in my world since I last posted...

Sept:   Attended my son's graduation from Fort Worth Police Academy and is now on Patrol; 
Moved to Louisville Kentucky to live in a hotel room with my hubby, 3 dogs and a cat.  Found three, yes THREE Singer Featherweights at an antique store and purchased them for $325-- that's the TOTAL price, NOT each. :-)  

End of September - first week of October:  Returned to San Antonio to pick up furniture and quilt stuff. Riding 18 hours in the cab of a UHaul is the stuff of nightmares!  Was home long enough to unload the truck and pack a bag....

October:  Cruised the Caribbean with Bonnie Hunter!  Quiltville cruises are the best and I highly recommend them; 

returned from Caribbean and the harsh reality of a house still in boxes.  Note to self: boxes will not unpack themselves and there are no house elves outside of Harry Potter's world. My son Matthew moves to Virginia So he's now only 9 hours away!

November:  back to San Antonio for a quick visit before my hubby's job hits Peak Season.  Love seeing my grand babies and it's nice to see my kids too. 
We enjoyed an early Thanksgiving with them before making the 18 hour drive back to Louisville.  

Now, as I type this on my iPhone my hubby is taking us to Buck Mountain where we'll be spending Thanksgiving with Bonnie and Dave at Quiltvilla. 

I am truly blessed.

Piece and Joy!
